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A modern workplace is more than just an office

A modern workplace must be somewhere your employees want to be. It must be a place that supports their health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. And it must be a place that is designed with the future in mind.

HYLO is Green

Cutting carbon from the get go

By designing HYLO around the superstructure of the original building that stood in its place, over 2,500 tonnes of CO2 has been saved. And that’s not even considering the carbon (another 500 to 750 tonnes) that would have been wasted if the building was demolished and re-built from scratch.

The strong thermal properties and air permeability stops heat getting in or out.

The windows allow enough natural light in to reduce the need for artificial light inside.

Fan coil units with high efficiency fan motors result in lower energy use.

Ventilation systems help to recover and retain heat, avoiding energy waste.

Electricity and heat is generated on site, helping to be more energy efficient.

Ventilation at night in the summer months pre-cools exposed concrete slabs, helping to use less carbon.

The exposed thermal mass of the concrete soffit instead of suspended ceilings reduces cooling loads and draws heat away naturally.

Circulating pumps with high efficiency motors and variable flow control systems reduce energy use.

State-of-the-art real-time data monitoring across site helps to keep a close eye on how energy is used, reducing consumption and costs.

Water consumption meets the highest BREEAM standards and rainwater harvesting helps to reduce reliance on mains water supply by up to 50%.

HYLO is Well

People are at the
heart of HYLO

It’s why we incorporated WELL guidance early in the design, making health and wellness the central theme of the building.

The WELL Building Standard is all about delivering more thoughtful spaces that enhance health and wellbeing. It’s an accreditation backed by the latest scientific research into how to make sure a building like HYLO is committed to caring for the people who use it.

High ventilation rates and active sensors keep CO2 levels below 900ppm, and the air is 100% fresh so people can breathe easy and feel good.

On floor air sensors help to monitor air quality and catch any CO2 build up, which helps to keep people alert and enhance their concentration.

Tests carried out prior to completion and ongoing sanitation checks will help to reduce the risk of microbe growth in cooling coils which helps to stop people becoming ill.

Advanced filtration systems and dedicated air handling plants for each floor work with revolving doors and specially designed entrance mats to reduce pollutants.

Pesticides and herbicides will not be used in maintaining the landscaped areas outside, helping to reduce the chance of being exposed to harmful chemicals.

Smart controls mean the temperature can be controlled separately. And efficient design means the building’s maximum temperature is reduced, making the space feel more comfortable.

Clean and filtered water is available on every floor, and is tested too, making sure it meets WELL standards so it’s good quality, and it tastes good too.

Because the water is of such a high quality and tastes good, employees will be less inclined to buy bottled water, which helps to save money and the environment.

The smart app encourages employees to choose healthy food options, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grain foods, which helps to keep employees feeling fit and healthy.

The roof gardens provide an opportunity for people to grow their own vegetables and herbs, which further helps promote healthy eating and general wellbeing.

A building that helps you feel better in body and mind

HYLO is designed to the latest industry standards, providing an optimal environment at all times. Advanced lighting controls – operated by presence, outside light or by smart device – mean it’s never too bright or too dark. And any changes are made uniformly to match the sensitivity of the human eye.

Good light leads to good health

407 secure cycle racks and 394 lockers, hotel-quality changing facilities with 30 showers, bike servicing stations, drinking points and a dedicated entrance, all ensure cycling to work is easier than ever. You'll find 365 designated spaces in the basement and 42 sheffield racks surrounding the building. Plus, easy-to-find stairs with great window views make ‘taking the stairs’ much more inviting. It’s a good chance for a little exercise whether you’re located on seventh or twenty seventh floor, or you can just as easily work out on the roof gardens too.

Fitted out to keep you fit

It’s crucial to the health and wellbeing of everyone who works at HYLO, that the building and the environment around it provides a calming and therapeutic place, promoting mental health.

A place to rest and reflect

HYLO is Smart

Introducing the HYLO app

Making it easier than ever for forward-thinking businesses to support their ESG and workplace ambitions. From providing frictionless access to the building for employees to managing visitors and generating QR code invites for guests, the app puts tenants in full control, even allowing users to be granted control of lights, climate settings and various amenities at their discretion.

Enhance your

Together with the HYLO app, a digital version of tenants workspace can be created, known as a ‘digital twin’. By doing so, numerous additional features can be unlocked helping to better manage and monitor the building.

Optimise space

Using existing sensors, the app can detect if a meeting room has been booked and whether it’s being used or can be booked out by someone else after a certain amount of time.

Monitor energy use

Occupier installed CogniPoint sensors can provide real-time head count within meeting rooms and work areas to monitor and optimize energy usage.

Manage staff interactions

A ‘bolt-on’ engagement app means you can manage and share social events, offer staff incentives, chat with colleagues and store documents, including new starter packs.

Real-time adjustments

You’ll have complete interactive engagement with your workspace, the common areas and any bookable amenities, and full control of your individual environments.